“Wow. This stuff is powerful.
This stuff I now call creativity.”
Marty Pottenger
A significant element of the mission of Art At Work – originally an Arts & Equity Initiative – was to introduce and inspire folks around the country to embrace the concept of arts-projects designed to address tough if not impossible municipal and community challenges. Between 2006 and 2015, Marty shared stories and guidance gleaned from thirty years of experience, including projects addressing issues racial discrimination in a Public Works Department, historically low morale in a police force, or the lack of diversity in a city’s four most active neighborhood associations. Marty has shared the Art At Work philosophy and strategy in the following cities:
Austin, TX
Boston, MA
Chicago, IL
Los Angeles, CA
Minneapolis, MN
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Providence, RI
San Francisco, CA
Seattle, WA
St. Paul, MN
Tucson AZ
If you’re interested in engaging Marty and Art At Work for a project or speaking engagement, we encourage you to reach out to us at team@artatwork.us.
Check out some of Marty’s talks below: