Art At Work

Putting Creativity to Work
through performance, visual, musical,
and literary arts, video/film, civic dialogues,
residencies, workshops, and gatherings since 1993.

“Creativity. Sounds simple, right? But after working in the theater, arts and creative placemaking for almost 50 years, one thing is clear to me. We, at least here in the United States, do not yet understand what creativity is. Transformative. Disruptive. Unforgettable. Visionary. Enjoyable. Scary. Risky. Demanding an honesty and a courage that reminds us ‘who we are’. Understanding – and inspiration – come from the stories we believe more than the statistics we’ve gathered. Stories are the deepest way we understand the past, present and what’s possible. Creativity. So elemental to who we are as humans that it should be in the Periodic Table.” -Marty Pottenger, Executive & Artistic Director, Art At Work

Our work would not be possible without
the generosity of people like you.

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Art At Work

121 High Street
South Portland, ME 04106

[email protected]
(207) 370-4572

Terra Moto Inc., which does business as
Art At Work, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity.